Friday, November 21, 2008

So long

I have decided to stop this blog. I appreciate anyone who actually stopped by and looked at the things I have created. I just don't feel like this blog is inspiring anyone, as I don't get any response from people. Since this was the reason I started the blog in the first place, I feel it is needless to continue. I wanted to get some feedback from people on improving my creations, or I had hoped at least on some occasions, a compliment on something I had done well.

I am not trying to have a pity party for myself, or anything of that sort, I just don't want to continue putting time into this if it is not benefiting anyone. I don't want to be white noise in a cyberland of so many very talented people.

Thanks so much for anyone who has stopped by these past few months.


Rachel@just another day in paradise said...

I do enjoy looking at your creations. You are very talented! Will miss your creations! (You actually inspired me to make my own Christmas cards this year, and if I do say so myself, they turned out. . .ok!)

Anonymous said...

Wishing you good luck with your creations and hope to see you on splitcoasterstampers more often. Tootsie Roll from Splitcoaststampers.